Shining force 3 review
Shining force 3 review

shining force 3 review

If you take this you can go back to your base and upgrade you massive display of skills. Hidden in dungeons you'll find Mythril supplies. Sometimes an enemy will drop loot, often times it's money, items or weapons. They do it to keep the playable characters at a near equal level, but it's still frustrating when all you want to do is search around in a dungeon and then you have to warp back in a flash. Your base getting attack happens ALL the time, sometimes it seems random, other times it seems placed. You can take 2 extra characters with you, and as many robot helpers as you're allowed to fight off incoming enemies, and defeat the boss. There are four areas around your base, and a power supply. Whoever you left behind will have to defend it from in coming attacks. While on a dungeon raid, no matter who you choose to take, you'll eventually be interrupted by a warning. For example, you can take Toma out on a dungeon raid, but Cyrille will have to stay at the base to protect it. You can play as either character at a time, but you can't play as both at the same time. You play as Toma, the sword wielder and Cyrille the magic user. Battle System- Shining Force Exa is a action RPG hack and slasher. Compared to the limp Dark Alliance games or the overrated Champions of Norrath games, you'll get a VERY meat single player experience out of these games with more dungeons, more skills, and more loot that's actually useful. I enjoyed dungeon crawling and I loved the massive amounts of sidequests they offer you. The hacking and slashing can get old, but atleast they give you the option to use a magic user, or to switch your skill set with new weapons. Besides all of that, Shining Force Exa is still a decent game. The framerate drops was slightly fixed, never problematic but still noticeable. I really hated the gimmick of two characters only for the fact that they ruin your dungeon crawling pacing. The battle system was nearly untouched (not that it was bad to begin with), the story felt a little worse. Only the graphics were improved in my eyes. I can't say Shining Force Exa was a better game than Neo because it didn't really improve much.

Shining force 3 review